Facilities Comprehensive Plan

The University of Northern Colorado is planning for the campus of tomorrow and envisioning the future of the university.


About The Plan

We’ve rolled up our sleeves to understand, explore, and determine what the University of Northern Colorado needs and envisions for the campus.

What is a Facilities Comprehensive Plan?

A Facilities Comprehensive Plan is an incredible process that gives the University of Northern Colorado an opportunity to re-examine its needs with a 10-year outlook to prioritize near and long-term project goals. This Plan is an extension of the Rowing, Not Drifting 2030 Strategic Plan  and guides the physical development of the campus, providing a short and long-term framework that is clear, flexible, and implementable. The Plan is intended to be a visionary document that is adaptable to change that enhances the University’s core values and principles. 

Has the Campus Ever Done This Before?

The University of Northern Colorado has a history of planning that is integrated with its strategic, academic, programmatic, space management and enrollment plans. The last facilities plan was completed in 2003. In order to stay current with academic, research, and student life needs, the university's goal for a new Facilities Comprehensive Plan articulates the concepts that make the University distinctive and meaningful to the community and beyond.

Why is This Important to Me?

The University of Northern Colorado is unique, distinctive, and diverse. As part of the university’s community, your voice matters. We heard your perspective on the spaces that you feel will make campus even more vibrant, dynamic, connected, usable, and beautiful. Your thoughts, concerns, and feedback throughout the planning process helped guide the Plan and shape the physical campus for years to come. We looked at buildings, roads, parking, walkways, open spaces, and many other physical campus elements during this process. Our aimed to work together to create a campus for the next generation of students, faculty, and staff.
SmithGroup is recognized as one of the leading campus planning and design firms in the United States. The SmithGroup team provides the University with full service, multidisciplinary planning and design, thought leadership, data visualization, and research planning.

Process and Timeline

Each phase built upon the previous one to generate ideas and deepen our understanding of the issues and opportunities that informed the campus planning effort.


The planning started with a process of discovery—getting to know the University of Northern Colorado: your goals, aspirations, current challenges, and opportunities for the future. We gained a deep understanding of the campus existing facilities condition, capacity, and the way they are currently used. Systems affecting the daily life of the campus were assessed including infrastructure and circulation including pedestrian, vehicular, and parking. These systems determined the physical framework of the campus and opportunities for sustainable development.


During this phase, we used data and analysis completed in the Understand phase to produce a full understanding of the campus’s challenges and opportunities. We tested numerous ways to organize uses on campus, accommodate new building footprints, create new transportation linkages, and enliven campus spaces. From this testing of ideas, we shared with you options for the future of campus.


The strongest ideas that emerge are combined into one draft facilities comprehensive plan. This plan adds specificity to the character, location, and amount of new development, renovation, reuse, or re-purposed space. Additionally, we created recommendations for improvements to campus systems. During this last phase, we documented the plan in a final report. The facilities comprehensive plan will provide a strong, flexible framework to help guide a future vision for campus!


Get Involved

11am - 12pm & 6pm-7pm MT
Virtual Town Halls
Meeting ID: 509 882 0000
Passcode: UNCOFMP
Your opinion is a critical part of the Facilities Comprehensive Planning process
Draft Campus Plan Town Hall – On-Campus
Wednesday, April 19, 1-2 pm MT
McKee Hall -Room 0425
Join the campus planners in-person to explore the working draft of planned priority facility investments.  This is the second round of Town Halls to share your feedback on proposed concepts reimagining UNC’s campus. The draft campus plan creates social and collaborative spaces, improves community connections, and enhances learning environments to meet current and emerging needs.
Draft Campus Plan Town Hall – Online
Wednesday, April 19, 5-6 pm MT
via ZOOM - Click Here For Link
Join the campus planners online to explore the working draft of planned priority facility investments.  This is the second round of Town Halls to share your feedback on proposed concepts reimagining UNC’s campus. The draft campus plan creates social and collaborative spaces, improves community connections, and enhances learning environments to meet current and emerging needs.
Town Hall, Survey Reports and Takeaways

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